Toucans Fan Club
Hey Kids! Get in on the fun & join the Toucans Fan Club today!
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Our fan club page on Facebook is the place to be for every Toucan fan! Check out the latest Toucan news; receive advance notice on upcoming Toucan event announcements, and be the first to check out new Toucan releases before they hit the jungle streets!
And that's not all! Fan club membership also finishes your homework, cleans your room, walks your dog, grants you Super Toucan Powers* and best of all, bestows express authorization to use the Secret Toucan Handshake!
(If you don't use Facebook, you can email us directly using the address at the top of the page. We'd love to hear from you!)
*Super Toucan Powers may vary from fan to fan. Some fans may experience slight discomfort or mild shapechanging. Super Toucan Powers may be prohibited in your state or country. No liability is assumed for damages caused by radioactivity, fatal irritableness or hyper-gigantism.
Don't Delay; Join Today!