Date: "Fryday", January 23, 2004

Mission: To purchase mass quantities of cool stuff
at the Fry's store in Auburn, then ingest mass quantities
at the Zoopa restaurant at Westfield Shoppingtown*.

*otherwise known as Southcenter Mall, fer crissakes...

Enjoy the photos from our adventure!

Rob prepares the vehicle
for a major haul
Dave is as excited as a
kid online at
Fry's lies before us
It's... full of... stars!
Dave solicits Rob's
learned opinion
Rob is dismayed by
the dizzying variety
In-store demonstrations!
Cut-away washers!
Dave's steps up for
a power swing
I have no idea where
this one came from
Mission to Fry's:
Phase 1 Complete
Location: Zoopa
Begin Phase 2
Dave is truly an artiste
Rob invents new
food experiences
Too bad there's no French
word for "perfect"...
Dave goes in for an
incredible serving #3
Pete snacks on fruit
between slices of pizza
Dave chooses not
to eat any more
Rob proudly wears
the Zoopa badge
"I'm all finished!"

As you can see, a good time was had by all.
If you would like to join us for SuperFryZoopa 2,
drop an email to: superfryzoopa AT toucans DOT net
(currently scheduled for mid-June 2004)